CSIF Newsletter 2022
CSIF Training Highlight
CSIF – Intensive Training Sessions on ICT
The outbreak of the COVID-19 Pandemic has really brought about a new normal, one that is more centered on ICT and this is what motivated CSIF to emphasis the need for training on ICT to her students. Remote Jobs are now really needed in some areas and businesses are now integrating ICT as an integral part. Although ICT is a very broad term but we should have the basics and from there grow into professionals in different areas. Our training was not left out and below are pictures and video of our sessions.

CSIF – Intensive Training Sessions on Sewing
At CSIF we believe in having a backup skill. You never can tell when it will come in handy. It may also bring about you breakthrough. Sewing is also a skill we train young people on. The pictures below are some of our sessions with CSIF students during the intensive training.

CSIF – Intensive Solar Installation Training Sessions
With joy we welcomed them to class and gradually the instructor explained the basics and watched them develop. She had time also to undertake hands-on sessions for better understanding. The class was productive. And we hope to take them from novice to professionals.
See some of the pictures below.

We also have some video clips
The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.
– Malcolm X
Chizoba Solar International Foundation is therefore here to help you, especially the youth, prepare today so that you can have the future you deserve and desire for yourself, your family and those around you.
As a non-profit organisation, we are here to help and we encourage you to let nothing be a barrier not even finance.
Register with us today and let us walk you through the process and empower you to be fully prepared for the future.
The flyer contains the main areas of training for the 3 months and also other areas which we also cover.Registration is now on.
Make the most of this wonderful opportunity.
Call – +234-902-755-8266



Chizoba Solar International Foundation- CSIF presents ‘Skill Acquisition for a Living’.
Chizoba Solar International Foundation- CSIF presents ‘Skill Acquisition for a Living’.
Are you a young school leaver? Are you unemployed? Do you want to learn new skills?
This is a chance to learn a skill that will help you make a living and an impact.
Come and learn how to develop website, graphics design, programming, tailoring and how to install and manage solar panels.
Venue: Dr. Alutu’s College of Excellence, Nnewi.
Date: 12th February 2022
Time: 10am
For inquires call: 0902 755 8266

Chizoba Solar Int’l Foundation Set to Train and Equip Youths and Others With Relevant Skills
Chizoba Solar Int’l Foundation Set to Train and Equip Youths and Others With Relevant Skills
EDUCATIONPHILANTHROPYChizoba Solar Int’l Foundation Set to Train and Equip Youths and Others With Relevant Skills
Ebuka Onyekwelu (Staff Writer)February 7, 2022

AWKA — Lately, social media is awash with stories of drug abuse, the quest for quick money, and all manner of decadence that have become characteristic of our society in recent times. While much of this is blamed on unemployment and disempowerment of the citizenry, perhaps rightly so, the major challenge however is that our collective future is further threatened to a breaking point and solution appears quite far away given government posturing over the years.
To this end, Anambra State-based international foundation has taken the challenge of unemployment more seriously with a commitment to train and equip people with relevant skills that will help them make a living. The Chizoba Solar International Foundation – CSIF has concluded plans to engage hundreds of school leavers, undergraduates, graduates, and other individuals who are interested in learning economically profitable skills to augment their capacity to earn, ineffective training to ensure mastery of the skills for better chances of making a living off them.
The skill training efforts are expected to produce hundreds of highly efficient individuals in the different skills the Foundation is offering training. For now, all is set to ensure that no fewer than five hundred individuals are trained in Graphic design, web development, tailoring, and solar installation and management.
The Foundation founded by Anambra State-born German-based Reverend Sister, Petra Chuwudike has already received support from the management of Dr. Alutu’s College of Excellence in Nnewi, which offered the Foundation a free space for the training, pending when it is ready to move to its permanent site that is yet to be constructed, but which site has been secured.
CSIF resonates with Sr. Petra’s personal story of lack and deprivation growing up, and her decision to do a little more than just offer scholarships and random assistance to indigent students. With support from her associates and friends in Germany, the Foundation has acquired equipment and relevant materials like solar panels and other necessary solar equipment, computers for web development, programming, and graphic designs, and finally sewing machines for tailoring, which are primary work tools for acquiring these skills. There are competent teachers to take students on the skills.
As of now, plans have been concluded for the Foundation’s open day slated for Saturday 12th day of February 2022 by 10 am, with the theme, ‘skill acquisition for a living’. This event will hold within the premises of Dr. Alutu’s College of Excellence in Nnewi and with this, those desirous of acquiring skills that will aid their upward movement in career and life, now have a chance to take a bold step towards their dreams.
The Foundation has come to stay, which is to say that they will not disappear after the upcoming event, instead, they will be there to offer training on these skills to empower people to make a living through what they do with their hands.
CSIF Holds Open Day, Reinstates Commitment to Skill Acquisition and Capacity Building
CSIF Holds Open Day, Reinstates Commitment to Skill Acquisition and Capacity Building
Chizoba Solar International Foundation (CSIF) came onboard in 2019 as an empowerment organization that aims at equipping the youth and others with marketable skills, to better position them to face the present day challenges through what they can offer. It is on record that CSIF has engaged in various activities to bolster the lives of people, particularly in Nnewi, Anambra State, Nigeria. It is in the same line, with the same objective, that the organization had its open day which was held on the last month, February, 2022. The event was intended to showcase what CSIF has been doing, as much as offer opportunity to individuals who are interested to enroll and learn a skill or more, which training has been subsidized and or, paid for, by spirited individuals.
A tour of the sewing section during the open day
CSIF offer training in the following areas; Solar Installation and maintenance, Electrical Engineering, Basic Electronics Engineering, Website Development, Graphics Designing, Computer Programming and Tailoring.
With a vision of excellence, CSIF braces up to the speedily evolving times by being up to date in terms of updating herself in modern practices as regards the aforementioned skills. CSIF does not train her students on obsolete practices, but ensures that the students enrolled get current and updated knowledge and knowhow as regards the skills which are offered.
Training at CSIF comes with specific opportunities as those who have acquired the certain skills are readily engaged. A case in point, during the open day, many offers were made to those that just completed their training and those enrolling to train on solar installation and maintenance. In addition, CSIF not only gives their students in-house training in these skills, it also gives them a business knowhow, takes them on field trips where they get first hand work experience, among others. Upon graduation, the students would not only have acquired relevant skills that are also monetized, they are equally awarded Ordinary National Diploma – OND, in their area of training.
Tour of solar and electrical section
CSIF is located within the premises of Dr. Alutu’s College of Excellence in Nnewi and the trainings it offers are open to youths and others who wish to acquire a skill. School leavers, graduates and those with no education at all who wish to acquire skills are welcome to CSIF. Single mothers, widows and indigent persons, are all welcome to get empowered with skills which they will immediately deploy after training to make a living.
During the open day, Dr. Aloysius Chukwudike offered to pay for the training of no less than 20 persons who will come to learn any skill taught by the organization. Residents of Nnewi and environs are expected to take advantage of this opportunity to learn important skill that is valuable and has ability to brighten their financial fortunes.
Times are hard…. And truly, times are really hard. The youth and children in Nigeria
seem to have been grandiosely entrapped by hopelessness that they hardly see a glimpse
of a better future, either in the nation or in themselves; a lot of them have taken into
doing queer things just to make a day…. It’s such a sorry state.
However, amidst this palpable “hopelessness”, we are called upon not to despair but
remain hopeful, for indeed, there is hope for a better future, hope for betterment in life.
The Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI in his encyclical, “Spe Salvi” meaning “Saved in
Hope”, calls on us not to lose hope where he says: “Christ’s resurrection enlivens earthly
hopes with the “great hope” of eternal life, planting the seed of salvation in our present
time” (cf. BENEDICT XVI, Spe Salvi, 3; 7). Pope Francis in his Lenten message
(Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for lent 2022) admonished us that even in the
face of disappointments and shattered dreams, deep concern for future challenges and all;
even when one stumbles and falls, one should not lose hope. He also reminds us of the
words of Isaiah that: “Those who hope in the Lord will regain their strength, they will
soar on wings like eagles; though they run they will not grow weary, though they walk
they will never tire.” (Is 40:29, 31). The Pope advises us in his message to hearken to the
St Paul’s appeal: “Let us never grow tired of doing good” (Gal 6:9).
CSIF, in obedience to this appeal, takes part in exercising the healing ministry of Christ,
not just through youth empowerment, but also through care for the poor and sick.

Thanks to our sponsors in Germany!
Our gratitude goes to CSIF Founder, Rev. Sr. Petra Chukwudike in conjunction with
sponsors abroad especially in Germany in reaching out to the poor and the sick thereby
fulfilling the second objective of CSIF which is: to promote community health through
enlightenment programs, medical care, training and development assistance to medical,
social and agricultural workers (cf. pg. 3 CSIF policy handbook).

Figure 2 Wärmegerät, Absauggerät, Oximeter, Bett, Pädiatrisch,
Sauerstoff-Luft,Atemtherapiegerät: Thanks to our German sponsors!
CSIF calls for support through funding and donations to help to carry out this objective.
In line with the Pope’s Lenten message (2022), we are invited to be co-workers in God’s
vineyard and channels of God’s grace to others by being God’s hands and feet to reach
our neighbours, especially those in need. We do this, knowing that the first to sow is God
himself, who with great generosity “continues to sow abundant seeds of goodness in our
human family” (Fratelli Tutti, 54). We, likewise, are invited to share in the God saving
actions in the world by making good use of the present time (cf. Eph 5:16). We too can
sow seeds of goodness which should not be seen as a burden but as grace, whereby the
Creator wishes us to be actively united with His own bountiful goodness. Taking bearing
from the Pope’s Lenten message (2022), we will realise that: “A first fruit of the
goodness we sow appears in ourselves and our daily lives, even in our little acts of
kindness. In God, no act of love, no matter how small, and no “generous effort” will ever
be lost (cf. Evangelii Gaudium, 279). In truth, we see only a small portion of the fruits of
what we sow, since, according to the Gospel proverb, “one sows, while another reaps”
(Jn 4:37). When we sow for the benefit of others, we share in God’s own benevolent
love: “it is truly noble to place our hope in the hidden power of the seeds of goodness we
sow, and thus to initiate processes whose fruits will be reaped by others” (Fratelli Tutti,
196). “Sowing goodness for the benefit of others frees us from narrow self-interest,
infuses our actions with gratuitousness, and makes us part of the magnificent horizon of
God’s benevolent plan.” (Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for Lent 2022, p.2).
So, with a mind like Christ’s, let us use this Lent which is a favourable time, to reach out
to the poor, the sick and the suffering; let’s be channels of grace, sources of light and
streams of joy to these brothers and sisters of ours.
Written By:
Ebo Anthony.
Administrator, CSIF.
Chizoba Solar International Foundation (CSIF) came onboard in 2019 as a youth empowerment organization to help equip the youth of this day with marketable skills, to better equip them to face the present day challenges through giving them a solid foundation in vocation (skills), whilst educating them on the importance of education and skill acquisition. It is on record that CSIF has engaged in various activities to bolster the life of the youths, particularly in Nnewi, Anambra State, Nigeria. It is in the same line, with the same objective that she organized an open-day event which was held on the 12th of February, 2022. The event was intended at bringing CSIF to light, recounting past victories and at the same time working towards better accomplishments in the future with regards youth empowerment, which is not limited to just skill acquisition and training, but goes on to sponsorship, scholarships and job openings to the youth.
In my whole life, I have not come across any youth empowerment organization which offers youths the opportunity to acquire as many as four skills within just a year with little to no payment. However, CSIF offers youth this opportunity to acquire skills in the following fields:
- Solar Installation
- Electrical Engineering
- Basic Electronics Engineering
- Website Designing
- Graphics
- Basic Computer Engineering
- Computer and Computer Programming and;
- Tailoring.
In her benevolence, she gives her students well-grounded English and Mathematics education. What more can one ask for? CSIF gives youths not just the keys to the door of success in the 21st century, she shows them the path to that success and walks them through.
With a vision of excellence, CSIF braces up with the speedily evolving times by being up to date in terms of updating herself in modern practices as regards the aforementioned skills. Unlike in most tertiary educational systems, CSIF does not train her students on obsolete practices, but ensures that the students enrolled get current or updated education as regard the skills which she offers.
In Igbo, we say “A ga-aluru gi nwaanyi wukwara gi ulo?” which translates as “Will your wedding be done for you and a house be built for you?” In the Igbo custom, this is not practicable as it is seen as a way to spoil the youth. However, CSIF sees some positive elements in that statement; (figuratively speaking) she not only gives her students yam, but also the knife with which to cut it, as well as the oil with which to eat the yam. It is then up to the student to eat. What do I mean by this? CSIF not only gives their students in-house training in these skills, she also gives then a business enablement, opening the door of wealth to them, by taking them on field trips where they get first hand work experience. For me, this is more than enough empowerment for one who is wise. Students who enroll into the foundation are not just sure of acquiring skills, they also get jobs while still on training which improves their expertise and puts money into their pockets at the same time, which is the one of its objectives – youth empowerment (poverty alleviation). At graduation, the students would not only have acquired relevant skills, they will also have an extra certificate (Ordinary National Diploma) to their accolade.
Now comes the question, “Who can enroll?” CSIF is open to youths – secondary school leavers who wish to acquire a skill and graduates who either wish to acquire skills or learn the practical part of their courses of study while in school. Since the foundation is one keen on empowerment, it is also open to school dropouts, single mothers, widows and indigent persons. The foundation envisions that through her activities, the poverty level in Nnewi and Nigeria at large will be reduced drastically, while at the same time giving youths opportunity for a brighter future. CSIF is virtually open to anyone who wants to learn, acquire skills and grow. To help the indigent, a good-spirited individual and one of the board members of the foundation offered to pay the registration fees of 20 indigent persons.
You can visit the foundation campus I at No 21 Nnobi Road, Nnewi (within Dr. Alutu’s College of Excellence, Nnewichi, Nnewi; camputus II at No 43. Metuh Road near St. Peter Clevers Parish Umuanuka Otolo Nnewi Anambra State, or visit her website @ www.chizobasolarinternationalfoundation.com for registration and for more enquires.
Written By,
Anthony Ebo.
Administrator, CSIF.